Explore the labyrinth of busy stores and little lanes. When in Jerusalem with Plan it israel, keep an eye out for these 7 things.

Jerusalem is a place rich in culture that combines a deep spirituality with contemporary style. In addition to being one of the world’s oldest cities, it is well known for its shopping. With a wealth of historical and cultural landmarks, the city is a great place to visit and buy. Take in the rich tapestry of sights, sounds, and scents as you meander through the labyrinth of little streets and busy stores.

Discoveries ranging from exquisite jewelry made using age-old methods to genuine antiques that tell stories of earlier times offer a window into the city’s colorful history. Plan it Israel creates customized tours so you may explore the rich history of the city.

Look out for these 7 items available for purchase while shopping in Jerusalem:


Jerusalem is home to well-known jewelry stores including Stern, Baltinester, and Avi Luvaton Gallery, which sell excellent gold jewelry set with diamonds. These shops, which harken back to the ethnic past of the city, include a vast selection of jewelry in addition to traditional Yemenite filigree work, with religious symbols such as the Star of David. The national gem of Israel, the Eilat Stone, is mined close to Eilat and is typically used in exquisite pendants. Its soothing green and blue tones lend a sense of peace.

Religious Garments:

Jerusalem offers an extensive assortment of religious clothing, ranging from genuine techelet tzitzit to finely etched tefillin. Mitpachot, kippahs, and talits in multicolored styles are also available to tourists. These things enhance the special experience of visiting Jerusalem; they are more than just mementos.


Jerusalem is a great place to find the hamsa, or hand sign, which is an old protection amulet against the evil eye. Made from a variety of materials, including wood, copper, and ceramics, it is a typical sight in the city. Artist Chaim Peretz specializes in making one-of-a-kind hamsas out of stained glass, sterling silver, and even gemstones. These finely wrought objects, which are a reflection of Jerusalem’s rich spiritual legacy, provide both cultural relevance and aesthetic appeal.

Ahava Skin Care Products:

Well-known Israeli company Ahava creates incredible skin care products using minerals from the Dead Sea. The factory and outlet business, located close to the Dead Sea, has amazing deals and promotions. In addition, visitors may use a natural mud treatment that smoothes the skin and swim in the Dead Sea.

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Antiquities In Jerusalem:

Genuine antiques may be purchased from a variety of stores, but be wary of con artists. To ensure authenticity, always buy from sellers who have been approved by the Israel Antiquities Authority. Popular antiques, clay oil lamps have distinctive patterns and historical value. Seek out accredited sellers with decades’ worth of experience, such as Baidun Antiquities. These antiques, which can be found in shops all across the Old City, provide windows into past civilizations. Examples include Roman coins and Byzantine lamps.

Machane Yehudah:

There are many excellent finds on the outdoor market. Spices that are organic are the greatest available products. In Israel, they grow and grind smoked paprika, cumin, and turmeric. The spices will provide a depth of flavor to your food that can’t be obtained from a shop.

In conclusion, Jerusalem’s retail landscape is a dynamic fusion of varied offers and cultural depth. Plan it Israel, your go-to travel company, can help you uncover the fascinating tapestry of Jerusalem’s retail attractions. They provide engaging travel experiences that skillfully combine colorful shopping with cultural discovery.

Inquiry: 718–360–9445
Email: info@planitisrael.com
Website: https://www.planitisrael.com/
Address: Plan It Israel LLC, 24 Sherman street, Johnson City, NY 13790

Published February 12, 2024

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